I was raised Catholic and as children we were told to save room on our school chairs for our Guardian Angel. We each had one , that was just our own special Angel. Our little eager minds easily accepted this idea. Wow how special we all felt, but once I entered the higher grades there was no more talk of invisible little Angels by either the nuns or my parents. They just seemed to fade away with the tooth fairy , Santa Claus and the rest of those childhood betrayals.
The message was , leave those childish ideas behind if you want to fit into a mature society. Those ideas once revered and accepted so easily were now cause for humiliation if you dared to still believe beyond a certain point.
Even though I still find words like Guardian Angel, Faeries ect difficult to use in adult company I can not deny the many incidents of divine curiosities and interventions that have happened in my life. Many witnessed by others as well. They came in many forms, never appearing quite as portrayed in the movies.Many are too personal to write about but one I found playful and was witnessed by a good friend and my son, then a child. It is a lovely story .
Samantha, was looking to buy land in North Carolina and she , I and my 6 year old son, Antwan, took a short road trip from Atlanta to the area she was interested in.Before getting to the land we met a man on the road who told us that very nearby was a fabulous waterfall in a remote area that we must see. We were in that magic go-with=the =flow attitude so we agreed . We went to the land that Sam was interested in first and by the time we reached the waterfall is was late afternoon. It was deep in a canyon , on private land and it took us almost an hour to walk to it.
Well worth the adventure, the falls were spectacular .We all agreed they had a very magical feeling. Antwan stripped off his over shirt and frolics on the rocks in from o the falls. The visual was stunning. Rainbows played off his blonde hair and all around him. We commented that he looked like a fairy playing in the colors. It was truly etherical

We stop to assess the situation. If we turn back now we will not get out before dark and the path could be very dangerous . He is so upset that we decide to risk it. We turn to retrace our steps and there on the narrow path we just walked is the shirt. We are all stunned. I ask Antwan if he is sure he did not have it with him and just dropped it. He is 6 and of course , I know he did not think to take it along but I ask. "No, he says , I just thought of it now.
Suddenly, we all start laughing .
It seems so absolute clear to us that the fairies have brought it to keep us out of trouble. We simply thank them and leave. Divine Intervention plain and simple.
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