Friday, August 17, 2012

Trotsky in Mexico

I don't know why I wanted to go to this movie. Was it because my son is dating a Russian woman and just returned from  three weeks in Moscow and St.  Petersburg? Was it because I was once friends with Stalin's daughter, Svetlana? Or because I was now living in Mexico? Whatever the reason, I certainly was not prepared for the depressing analog of revolution on a world scale that passed before my eyes. The movie chronicled happenings all over the world at the time Trotsky was welcomed into exile in Mexico.
 All I saw for 80 minutes were photos of men slaughtering each other. And all I could think was how much women need to be returned to power.

Women are the bringers of life not the destroyers of it.

After birthing a son I was determined to raise him with a new paradigm, a new perspective on his role in society. His father was a "soft" male drawn to spiritual and humanitarian ways rather than football ,politics or war. Although we were not together as a family, our son was growing up surrounded by males of this nature.
All the men who were strong male figures to him were intelligent, sensitive, kind,gentle. and humorous. The other children he was friends with were creative,noncompetitive types. 

Yes , he did play war with fake guns.. The guns were sticks from the 200 acres that surrounded our house.There was something in the innocence of it that did not concern me.

 Later , I read an article on this in a respected magazine on parenting. It said that it is important to the make energy to do this kind of PLAY. This allowed these tendencies to express as play so that there would be no need to express this in real life. Men play out aggression and hormones by killing and hating, instead of with little plastic soldier men. I allowed my son fake guns, army guys but balanced it with a male doll called Buddy, skateboards, and lovely children's books with heart energy. Balance seems to be the answer to everything. When I thought I would never know how to parent, a neighbor suggested it was easy. " Just check in with your heart on everything and you can not make a mistake." He was right.

As a woman I am a life giver.

 I consider my son a new male.

 Yes, neurologically wired differently and also exposed to a balanced life with violence stayed in the world of make believe.

He is my gift to the new world.

 epilog:( from an recent email from a friend:
Dear friend, we just had some few days here with Antwan .We enjoyed he and his girlfiend and were happy to have a chance to reconnect peacefully with no hurry. Antwan has always been such a wonder for me. He is one of the most harmonious and free spirit I have met in this life. You and Randy did a great job to let him grow as he wished.

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